Two-Thirds of People Show Satisfaction with Healthcare System

Elderly people satisfied with healthcare system

A new Gallup poll suggests that two thirds of the people in United States are satisfied with the country’s healthcare system. Sixty-six percent say they are happy with the functioning of the healthcare system and how it’s benefiting them. Thirty-two percent on the other hand showed their discontentment with the system.

Further, the levels of satisfaction among those having health insurance were much higher. Seventy-two percent of those having insurance said they are quite satisfied with the way the healthcare system is working while 26 percent of them say they are not. [@HealthITplus] Continue reading

What Is mHealth? [Infographic]

What is mHealth

mHealth allows mobile devices to monitor and collect health data more efficiently, allowing quicker and better treatment and increase prevention. The infographic explains in detail what mHealth does and how it improves the life of patients in the EU. [@HealthITplus]

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Hospitals Want To Boost Mobile Health Usage Among Nurses!/image/2777819232.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_640/2777819232.jpg

Hospitals are providing their nurses with enterprise-level smartphones and tools to replace outdated or unsecure technology in an effort to increase mHealth related usage, according to a new report by Spyglass Consulting.

What are Enterprise-Level Communications

Enterprise-level communications include smartphones and tools that allow nurses to:

  • Securely store patient records in an EMR
  • Securely transmit messages
  • Enterprise-level systems can also be integrated with various exchanges and devices responsible for monitoring patients and alert nurses to take prompt action if the vitals reach abnormal values [@HealthITplus]

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